Saturday, April 19, 2008

Proud to be an American

So I'm standing here in the Atlanta-Hartsfield airport next to one of our country's servicemen. An older gentleman just walked past, headed toward his gate, and stopped to thank this young man for his service to our country. I've never had such a feeling of pride wash over me. It really did make me proud to be an American. What are your thoughts?

In other news...I know this is Atlanta, but can we PLEASE change the TV's from CNN to FOX News?

Saturday, April 5, 2008


So yeah, I've been MIA for a few months. Things have been NUTS lately. What with school, getting ready for real patients this summer, and leading worship all over the place (it feels like), I haven't had a lot of time to blog. I need to change that. I loved those few years where I was writing every day. I really did get to gain some insight as to who I am, believe it or not, and it was some good stuff.

Not a whole lot has changed since we left off. No major life developments or anything. I have been trying to take a lot more "me" time, though, just to try and stay sane. I never really get my restful Sabbaths on Sundays, so I've got to find other days that I can take them, and Saturdays really seem to be fitting the bill nicely.

One change, that actually starts this month, is that I'm no longer helping lead worship out at the Riverchase campus. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE it out there, and I love the people, but I've really been missing getting to do church with my family. They're very much Grants Mill folks, so I've asked to be put at GM full time. I still haven't found the guts to tell the Riverchase choir yet, and don't know if I will. But, they'll find out soon enough. Still, though, tons of love for you guys!

Well, I'm off now to get my sister an iPhone. What can I say? I guess she wants to be like her older brother. Time to jet...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Hello Again

So the test is done. Whew. They're definitely not ones that I'll be framing or putting on the fridge, but I made it through. And given the way I handled getting started, I can't stand here and complain a bit.

I spent the whole afternoon today redoing my bedroom. Time for a full fresh start. Everything's in a different place, old certificates are taken off the wall, new paint (well, for touch-ups) is in place. I'm pretty excited. Tomorrow I'm going to head to the thrift store to see if they've got any nice couches there. I had the perfect one - Grandpapa's - but I just couldn't squeeze it through the door. Believe you me, I tried! We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


OK, so here we are on October 3, and I haven't updated since July 23? What's that about? Ha!

So yeah, apologies are in order. I've been neglecting my "reflection time." See, as much fun as it was for you guys to read this, it was even better for me, on a therapeutic level. I miss that. And I'm ready to have it back. The past few weeks have been rough. I guess it's that I haven't adjusted to being back in school all that well, but I'm starting to hit the upswing.

One thing that I need to work on fixing is my people skills. For some reason I've sort of lost my ability to deal with other people. How sad is that? I'm finding myself getting frustrated way too easily and it's starting to really take away from my happy demeanor. It's time for that to stop, though. I need to get my smile back. Any thoughts?

I've never found myself at a point where I just wanted to break down when around my friends, but that happened to me the other night. And I have to say that I didn't like it. Not one bit. Literally, I didn't say a single word because I knew if I even thought of talking that I'd break down. And honestly I had no real reason to. But, I do owe it to my friends for following up with me to make sure that I was in an alright place. I guess that's why I've got them in my life. And thank God for that!

Then again, there's a whole lot to thank Him for. During this whole phase, it's not that I ever doubted He was with me, but I was having the hardest time finding Him. Then, my bro kindly reminded me that God does that for a reason - He never leaves, but He does take a step back to see just how you'll respond. And that's the key - to respond by pursuing Him more. So that's what I've set my heart toward, which is technically where it should have been all along, but to actively chasing after Him. He can run, but He sure can't hide. :)

Alright, time for me to make my way towards bed. I've got a LONG study day ahead tomorrow, so pray that this stuff actually sinks in my head.

Until next time...

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's Been Some Time!

Sorry it's been so long, but I'm a bit under the weather. New updates coming soon...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

Welcome to Fripp

I'm in South Carolina now. I'll be here until Saturday. Sad news that cell service is very spotty around here. There are pockets with full reception, and then there's our house with nothing. But we do have a herd of deer that hang out in the front yard. Literally, a herd. Love it!

Until next time...