Saturday, June 30, 2007
Rain, Rain Go Away
We were able to get out for about an hour and a half today, but then the storms started up. Not fun. Hopefully they'll back off for the next few days so that I can get some good sun time in.
Tomorrow's going to be a great day. I'm going to start it off with church down here (which will mark the first time I've ever gone to church at the beach - that's pretty cool). Then it's hanging out all day. Love it.
Alright, off to bed. Be good!
Until tomorrow...
Friday, June 29, 2007
At the Beach
Well, I'm back at home! Yay! Seriously, what better place is there than right here? None, that's what's better than here. I mean, how could you see a moon view like that and not be in love with all that God has created? If you can, then we need to talk, cause there's some stuff you need to get straightened out.
The drive down today was a really good one. Nothing eventful and very few police. Just the way your mother likes it, Trebek.
So tomorrow is going to be a transition day where we go from the house to our house for the week. Other than that, I plan on getting a good walk in in the morning with my dad and then hanging out at the pool all day. Let's go ahead and get this color started!
We just got our rotation schedule for July, and it looks like I get to spend both of my Sundays that I'm in town at Grants Mill. I also get a Wednesday night in the mix, so it should be a great month. Lots of travel and worship. What a great combo!
Well, I think I'll call it a night now so that I'm good to go for tomorrow. Y'all be good.
Until tomorrow...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Winding Down and Gearing Up
Middle days aren't really good for me. These are the days that sort of sit between things - in the middle, if you will. The family headed down to the beach this morning, and I had to stay around Birmingham for choir and for a friend's party tonight, so I'll be heading down tomorrow. So that makes today a "middle day," which isn't all that fun.
My computer's doing all sorts of funky things tonight. I think it's sleepy. So am I. I guess we make a good fit.

I just want to give a shout out to the people in the picture to the left. These guys are amazing, and they deserve major props. Talk about your Divine Nine.
Well, I'm going to close this out and head to bed. Lots of driving tomorrow. Pray that we make it down there safely.
Until tomorrow...